Liquid Staking Guide

Staking Process:

  1. Visit the 0xFi Liquid Staking protocol page.

  2. Connect your wallet and ensure you're on the correct network.

  3. Specify the number of tokens you wish to stake.

  4. Click the "Stake" button and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  5. The Liquid Staking protocol will send you the corresponding amount of 0xFi based on your chosen Liquid Staking Derivative (LSD).

Unstaking Procedure:

  1. Go to the Liquid Staking protocol page.

  2. Connect your wallet and verify the network.

  3. Input the quantity of zeroTokens you intend to unstake.

  4. Click the "Unstake" button and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  5. The Liquid Staking protocol will extinguish the zeroTokens and provide an NFT receipt for your tokens.

  6. Hold onto the NFT receipt and patiently wait for 14-28 hours.

  7. After the waiting period, proceed to the Liquid Staking protocol page.

  8. Ensure your wallet is connected and on the right network.

  9. In the "Claim" tab, you'll see the Total claimable funds and Pending amount tokens.

  10. Click "Claim All" and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  11. The Liquid Staking protocol will burn the NFT receipt, and you'll receive the corresponding amount of tokens.

Last updated